
Personal and commercial use of the site

It is not permitted, in any way, to modify, copy, re-use, distribute, transmit, publish, duplicate, concede with license, create works derived from, concede or sold, or in any case use for whatever commercial ends, any of the contents, information or service contained in the site www.mulinoantico.com, except what is foreseen in the present General Conditions or by the current law regarding this matter. The present limitation also prohibits the copying on one’s own web site of pages or parts of pages from this web site, or in any way create pages that may mislead the user.


The contents on the pages of the site www.mulinoantico.com are the property of the Sandi srl. Other trademarks present on the site (visible in photos or pictures) are registered by their respective owners.
There is no intention to violate copyright laws.
Sandi srl reserves the right to update these General Conditions at any moment and without any notification, therefore the user is obliged to verify the conditions of use every time he/she enters the site, since using the site, once eventual variations have been made, will mean the automatic acceptance of these changes on the part of the user.

Absence of guarantee

The information and contents present in the web site www.mulinoantico.com are offered gratuitously, just as any piece of information or content inserted in it or accessible from it; they are “supplied, seen and accepted in the state they are in” and may be subject to modification at any moment and without notice on the part of Sandi srl.
Within the limits conceded by the law, Sandi srl declines any kind of responsibility and guarantee (expressed, implicit or prescribed by the law, including, but not in a limited way, to guarantee quality and suitability for specific use) regarding all the contents inserted in the site or even accessible from it.


Sandi srl declines all responsibility in case of damage of any nature, including, but not limited to, damage of direct, indirect, consequent or punitive nature in general or damage for lack of use, lack of profit or gain, loss of data or other immaterial goods, or costs for providing substitutional services, derived or connected to use, lack of appropriate skills, unauthorised use, service or lack of service by means of this web site, even in the case where Sandi srl may have been forewarned of the possible beginning of such damage and that the damage may derive from illicit contract, negligence, illegal action, according to the law.